
ISC organized a workshop under the title (Effective Quality Management Systems)


Among a series of workshops organized by ISC, the commission organized a workshop under the title of (Effective Quality Management Systems), which was held by the ISC quality team, in the presence of the ISC commissioner Ms. Nagham Hussein Ismail, directors of departments and Staff, the workshop was held at the commission’s headquarters on 9/2/2023,

 the lecture was given by Dr. Ali Al-Zubaidi, an expert in integrated management systems. The doctor discussed the development of the concept of quality and what is the purpose of quality management systems, he also deals with the role of ISO (International Standards Organization) specifications in implementing management systems and the practical application of quality management systems.

The objective of the workshop was to develop the skills of the ISC's Staff on quality management systems, to increases their motivation towards acquiring knowledge to improve the level of performance.

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