Union of Arab securities Authorities


The Union of Arab Securities Commissions was established in 2007 as an independent, non-profit institution with legal personality and is headquartered in the United Arab Emirates. The UASA (Union of Arab Securities Commissions) includes in its membership securities commissions and market regulators. The UASA aims to raise the legislative and regulatory level of Arab securities markets to reach effective levels of control over transactions in the securities markets.


UASA has an international role, as it attaches great importance to this aspect due to the importance of the international role in consolidating the work of the UASA and for the benefit of the member states, as the UASA is an observer member of the Arab Monetary Fund and seeks, at the current stage, membership of important international institutions in the areas of monitoring capital market.

Iraq is one of the founding countries of the Union in 2007 and is considered a working member and has a full membership and voting rights.

ISC supported the process of exchanging experiences with Arabian authorities, as the ISC contributed to share its experiences with counterpart authorities regarding the following topics:

• Controls related to the requirements for appointing the appropriate cadres at the entities/companies licensed by the ISC.

• obligating listed companies to provide their financial statements.

• Controls for solvency standards and capital adequacy.

• Currencies and crypto assets.

• The regulatory framework for the work of the licensed companies Assemblies and the regulatory framework and what is being done in Iraq.

• Participation in the amendment of the regulations of the Union of Arab Securities Authorities.

Union of Arab Securities Commissions Website